Sunday, June 16, 2013

Free Beer and Wine

I am on my final stretch in my studies in Italy. Four more exams to take, one paper on corruption and hopefully a research worthy to be called a master thesis.

Here's a breather post. The photos just tell the drinking culture of Germany and Italy through funny self-expression of people. Open thy eyes to the surprises that usual things can offer you.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Geo-Tagged: Erftstadt and Brühl

Few days after settling to my summer 2012 temporary homebase, the Christ family visited me. Prior to this visit, they were wondering 'Where and why in the world are you staying in Erftstadt?'

Yes, you heard it right, I stayed in Erftstadt. I used to live in Darmstadt. And do you know that I had visited friends in Willingen, had a family in Herzberg and went to Wetzlar for a short day trip. Where in the world was I? These are small and often unheard places I had been. Their names may not had really made a mark in the map, but they contributed a very important spot in my heart! So let me briefly talk about my Erftstadt and Brühl experiences.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Water Cities (Part 1)

My blog which is suppose to highlight my musings and wonderings in Europe had been quiet. So before I finally head home soon, I hope to post randomly on whatever I can think of.

To give an urban development student edge, let me feature some of the cities I have been that captured my (erm, not heart) attention and worth coming back if I have more time or if someone special wants to visit this place again with me.